Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hormel Boneless Pork Roast

Well, as you might have read in another blog, my son joined the Air Force and will be in training and school for close to another year in Texas.  He loved to cook for his friends!  There were a lot of things he made that were like mine, but he also made some interesting combinations of food I stopped buying when I turned 30 and food I never had much interest in.  Well, when he left his fully stocked kitchen became my kitchen.  Spice mixes and packets, boxed soups, canned soups, instant potatoes, etc.  It was a bachelor's heaven and now what I would be cooking with until it was gone.

I'm definitely not complaining!  I'm thankful for the food and we'll figure it out.  The first thing I pulled out of the freeze that was my son's was a Hormel Boneless Pork Roast.  The instructions on the package were perfect.  I'd not made one of these roasts before, so I fully thawed and placed the Roast in a small roasting pan.  I don't think the instructions included putting the lid on the pan.  I was concerned it would dry out, since I'm not a huge pork fan anyway, I decided to put the lid on.  About 75 minutes at 350 degrees later, the pork was cooked perfect.  Very little waste.  It was just the two of us, the roast was plenty big.  It certainly smelled better than it tasted.  I suppose I am accustomed to a more savory roast, or it just didn't hit the spot like it might have on a separate occasion, but I ate a serving of it.  We both agreed it wasn't the best roast we'd ever had, but it was easy and would work in a pinch for surprise entertaining, or a night when we were not interested in a working in the kitchen.  We had some veggies and rice on the side.  Biggest deterrent for future purchases of my own is going to be the 390 mg of salt in 112g and the a sundry chemicals this thing was marinading for who knows how long.  When three quarters of the package ingredients starts with sodium-something and xanthum gum is on the list at least twice, I probably won't pay money for a roast that is laying right next to a fresh, pristine, butcher's version of the same thing, minus sodium and xanthum gum.
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